Rebuild communities and bring prosperity back to a forgotten land.

Roman Adventures: Britons - Season One
Overcome the evil that has plagued the lands of Britain.

"I like Roman Adventures: Britons - Season One very much. It has many adventures, the characters are more mobile and life-like than in most games. It reminds me of the Adelantado games that I have purchased. I like building the towers to expand the territory and the length of each stage. It is very interactive and has you wondering what will happen next."
-Review from Verified customer: mhwilliawh
Game Description
In Roman Adventures: Britons - Season One, take on the role of General Flavius and embark on an epic quest to free Britain from the Filth. This strategy game combines elements of resource management, kingdom building, diplomacy and combat as you manage your forces, explore vast territories and build a powerful empire. With thrilling battles and immersive storytelling based on real historical events, you must learn to balance the demands of your citizens while fighting off external threats.Players will find many interesting features in Roman Adventures: Britons - Season One that bring an even more realistic feel to the game's already engaging storyline. Dynamic weather systems will bring unpredictable events into each battle, providing players with different challenges each time they play. Stunning graphics provide a vibrant backdrop for memorable moments that come alive with every encounter or dramatic twist in this thrilling journey through history. As a grand strategy title with complex decision-making opportunities around every corner, Roman Adventures: Britons - Season One provides hours of challenging gameplay for experienced gamers and newcomers alike.
More Verified Customer Reviews
The game is the best in the series. Great graphics and challenging enough to keep your attention. The storyline is interesting and the trivia facts are an added plus.
The game is an ingenious combination of the Roads of Rome series and the Adelantado Trilogy. However, so far the levels are so much more challenging.
Can't stop playing. This game is actually driving me crazy! I think I've mastered it when they throw something new at me. The time management, strategy, and challenges at each level are so surprising and entertaining. When I finally beat the challenge I find that I feel I have to attempt another level, after practically screaming when I fail to reach the time level. When I finally do win a level, my kids can hear me from the other room and cheer me on to the next level. It's addictive and surprising and so satisfying to succeed. Time goes too quickly. This is extremely difficult and challenging, but so satisfying. The game is a combination of several others -- Roads of Rome and Adelantado, taking the best of each to develop a great game. This is probably the most difficult game but it's so intricate and entertaining that I am determined not to give up, no matter how much time it takes. As frustrating as it can be to not finish before the time runs out, I love winning!
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