Farm Mania 2

Farm Mania 2

Upgrade your land and acquire new skills to create the farm of your dreams.
"I had never played any of the Farm Mania games in the past, so I decided to give Farm Mania 2 a try. It became so addictive. Working to build up the farm, learning a good rhythm on when to plant and harvest, gaining game speed for character movement, and adding items to make farming easier was quite a fun challenge. I also loved the mini games."
-Review from Verified customer: Lenae2tc
Game Description
Farm Mania 2 is a time management game that will take you through the daily operations of a busy ranch. You must multitask to efficiently manage all your tasks – such as watering, seeding, harvesting, caring for animals and much more. As you progress through levels, you can upgrade your farm with amazing tools and facilities that make it easier to grow better crops faster. Additionally, there are hidden object mini-games scattered throughout the levels which provide fun diversions from farming operations, as well as unlocking useful items.

With beautiful cartoon graphics and vibrant colors, it’s easy to become immersed in this delightful world of farming fun. You will feel challenged by the time management mechanics, but also rewarded when Anna accomplishes her goal of building a successful farm business. Make sure to keep your eyes open for special bonus items, as you explore Farm Mania 2 for a farming experience like no other.

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