Rebuild communities and bring prosperity back to a forgotten land.

Emergency Crew 2: Global Warming
Embark on a heroic journey to different parts of the world.

"Emergency Crew 2: Global Warming is a game I love for its challenges. It's truly amazing and keeps you on your toes. Each level offers something different, requiring forward-thinking strategies. Plus, the graphics are impressive."
-Review from Verified customer: coliki_23
Game Description
In Emergency Crew 2: Global Warming, experience the gripping and immersive action-adventure as you join Stephen Shepard and his brave emergency crew on their dangerous mission to save innocent lives. Explore expansive open-world environments and make split-second decisions to restore civilization from disaster. The game places you in the driver's seat, allowing you to take charge of natural disasters, manage rescue teams, build cities, discover new technologies, form alliances with other nations and much more.Make your way through different regions of the world and restore destroyed cities while battling marauders, wild animals, and all manner of threats. Plus, you can customize your crew according to your preferences, giving it an even more personal touch. With over 50 different missions, there are hours of gameplay available as you develop your strategies for success against the clock. Emergency Crew 2: Global Warming is ideal for those looking for an epic adventure full of obstacles and challenges that test your wits and resourcefulness in times of crisis.
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