Excavate a constantly shifting planet filled with valuable minerals.

"Build-a-lot: On Vacation might be my favorite in the Build-a-lot series. Excellent graphics, fun challenges, lulling music. I like to play video games that make me think, but also to help me get lost in their world. I could play this game for hours. Each level is more challenging than the previous. One of GameFools' very best. A real keeper!"
-Review from Verified customer: brianscottnyc
Game Description
Plan exciting getaways and upgrade local attractions with beautiful hotels, ski lodges and other exciting venues in Build-a-lot: On Vacation. Make sure you get all the building materials you need before time runs out. Keep your customers happy by ensuring every destination is tailored to their preferences. Manage vacation spots in 65 unique levels across both sunny coasts and snowy mountainsides, as you make each experience truly unforgettable.Let your creativity loose as you enjoy the thrill of planning perfect holiday retreats for your clients. Challenge yourself to build fantastic venues while meeting tight deadlines without breaking budget – including great financial rewards await those who do well. Enjoy building up one vacation spot after another with cute animations that come alive in Build-a-lot: On Vacation.
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